Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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A Cosmobiologist's Dream: Arrakis, Dune, Desert Art

Arrakis ( ; Arabic: ?????? ?, ar-r ? qi? , "the dancer") - informally known as Dune and then called Rakis - is a fictional desert planet displayed in Dune a series of novels by Frank Herbert. Herbert's first novel in the series, 1965's Dune , is popularly regarded as one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time, and is sometimes cited as the best-selling science fiction novel in history.

At Dune , this planet is the home of Fremen (nomad Zensunni), and hereafter the Capital of the Atreides Empire. Arrakis is a third planet orbiting a Canopus star, and in turn orbiting by two months, one of which has an albedo pattern resembling a desert kangaroo rat, Muad'Dib, above it; the other moon has a sign resembling a human hand.

Arrakis [...] Dune [...] Empire desert, and the most precious planet in the universe. Therefore it is here - and only here - where the spices are found. Herbs and spices. Without it there is no trade in the Empire, no civilization. Arrakis [...] Dune [...] house of spices, the greatest treasure in the universe. And he who controls it, controls our destiny.

Video Arrakis

Environment and spice

A desert planet without natural rainfall, in Dune it was determined that Arrakis had become the "Desert Kingdom Botanical Garden" before the discovery of the melange, which is the only natural source in the universe.. Melange (or, "spice") is the most important and valuable commodity in the universe, because it extends life and allows safe interstellar travel (among other uses). The planet has no surface water bodies, but an open canal called qanat is used "to carry irrigation water under controlled conditions" through the desert. The Fremen collect water in underground reservoirs to fulfill their dreams of a terraforming planet one day, and pay the cost of the Spacing Guild Junction in a melange to keep the Arrakis sky free from satellites that may be observing their efforts. As the great salt flats show, Arrakis once had lakes and oceans; Lady Jessica also noted in Dune that a well drilled in the sink and sink initially produces a "droplet" of water that immediately stops, as if "something connected it."

Paul Atreides recalled that some plants and animals on the planet include "saguaro, burro bush, dates, sand verbena, evening primrose, cactus barracks, incense bushes, smoke trees, creosote shrubs... kit fox, desert eagles, mouse kangaroos.. is found today elsewhere in the universe except here in Arrakis. "The most prominent form of life on the planet is the giant sandworm and the ageless sandtrout and sandplankton forms. Sandtrout encodes every water deposition; Predator fish are placed in qanats and other water storage areas to protect them from sandtrout. It is suggested that sandworm is a species introduced that causes Arrakis descent; In Children of Dune (1976), Leto II Atreides explains to his twin brother, Ghanima:

The sandtrout [...] is introduced here from several other places. It is a wet planet at the time. They are mushrooming beyond the existing ecosystem capability to deal with it. Sandtrout treats the free water available, making it a desert planet [...] and they are doing it to survive. On a planet that is quite dry, they can move into their sandworm phase.

The Dune Encyclopedia

Non-canon Dune Encyclopedia (1984) theorizes that ocean depletion (the main result is desertification) may be caused by the impact or almost from comets or other quasi-planetary bodies.. This incident led to the loss of much of the Arrakis atmosphere, which allowed most of the oxygen and water to escape into space. This is thought to have occurred some 50 million years before the creation of the Empire. This enormous loss of oxygen causes the extinction of almost all native flora and then fauna.

The Encyclopedia also explains that one of several forms to survive is a small worm of the Protochordata phylum. One of these forms is the Shaihuludata , an anaerobic digging genus that is a basal species from which the giant sand worm ( Geonemotodium arraknis or Shaihuludata gigantica ) evolved. Instead of creating a desert sand, it is a desert that creates sandworms. The mass extinctions of all predators and rivals for food enable the animal, in a way somewhat analogous to the unique evolution of fauna in the remote Terran Islands, to take an evolutionary path that not only oxygenates the Arrakeen atmosphere, but also creates a melange spice with all a huge consequence for mankind.

Finally, the Encyclopedia noted that in the early history of Arrakis, the Empire made several attempts to carve out planets, which resulted in the abundance of desert life on the planet (such as kangaroo and eagle rats). , but fails to reverse the environment, as "encyst" the local sandtrout of any open water on the planet.

Frank Herbert himself Children of Dune , however, determined that the sandtrout was brought to Arrakis from elsewhere. In the 1985 novel Round: Dune , the Trial House was transformed into a desert planet by transplanting sandtrout there.

Maps Arrakis



The Zensunni nomads, who are moved from planet to planet, eventually find their way to Arrakis, where they become Fremen. They settled in an artificial cave-like settlement known as sietches in the Arrakeen desert. They also developed a stillsuit technology, which allowed them to survive in the open desert. By harvesting the melange, they can bribe the Space Guild for privacy from observations and weather controls to hide from their native population Empire and their plans for Arrakis terraform. Much of this ecological activity takes place in the southern latitudes of the unexplored planet earth. The most famous of the siets is the Sietch Tabr , the home of the operations center of Stilgar and Muad'Dib before the victory in the Battle of Arrakeen put Muad'Dib on the Imperial throne.

According to Legend of Dune the prequel trilogy by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, it was a group of Zensunni nomads who had escaped from slavery on the planet Poritrin had originally crashed at Dune in a prototype between spacecraft several years earlier. for the creation of Spacing Guild.

Arrakis by ShaneGallagher on DeviantArt


During the Dune episode, Emperor Padishah Shaddam IV gave Duke Leto Atreides control over the lucrative spice harvest operations of Arrakis, ousting the old rival Atreides, Harkonnens. The rules of Atreides were cut short by a murderous conspiracy created by Harkonnens and the Emperor himself. Leto's son Paul Atreides (known by Fremen as Muad'Dib) then led the enormous Fremen army to victory over the army of Emperor Sardaukar, and by threatening the destruction of all the spice production on Arrakis successfully overthrew Shaddam and ascended the throne in his place. With Emperor Paul worshiped as a deity, Arrakis became the center of the government and religion of the Empire.

Paul Muad'Dib continued his efforts to carve Arrakis into the green world, a plan initiated by Fremen under the guidance of Imperial Planetologist Pardot Kynes and his son Liet-Kynes. The essence of their plan is the gradual collection of water from Arrakeen's atmosphere to form a large reservoir that will eventually become lakes and oceans. Much of this activity takes place in the unexplored southern latitudes of Arrakis.

At the time of the Children of Dune , Alia Atreides (and later Leto II and Ghanima) realized that Arrakis's ecological transformation changed the sandworm cycle, which would eventually result in the end of all spice production. This initially seemed a future to avoid, but Leto II then used this incident as part of his Golden Way to save mankind. Once he himself initiated the transformation into a human hybrid/sandworm, he eradicated all the deserts in Arrakis except for the small area he made his base of operations, and destroyed all the sandworms saving one himself.

After his death some 3,500 years later in the Emperor Dune , the Leto worm body turned back into sandtrout. In just a few centuries, this sandtrout restores Arrakis (from there it is called 'Rakis') to the desert.

In Heretics of Dune, all life in Arrakis is destroyed (and the entire surface of the planet is etched into oblivion) ​​by Respected Matres in a failed attempt to remove the latest Duncan Idaho ghola. Bene Gesserit escaped with a sandworm, and drowned it to return the worm back to sandtrout. At Babhouse: Dune Bene Gesserit uses this sandtrout to start a new sandworm cycle in their homeworld of Chapterhouse, which is transformed into a desert for this purpose.

Finally, at Sandworm of Dune, some sandworms come to life and health, after feeling the top crust will be destroyed, and therefore digging deeper, escaping from the explosion.

Remapping Arrakis | First Time Flowing

City and features

ARRAKEEN: the first settlement in Arrakis; seat of the old planetary government. - Dune , Imperium Terminology

Arrakis's capital and largest city historically is Arrakeen ( ). Arrakeen occupies a palatial palace, which has become a "government palace in the days of the Old Empire"; before the arrival of Atreides in Arrakis, the right hand of Emperor Count Fenring and his wife Margot have lived there. Leto I have chosen Arrakeen as the center of his government because "a smaller city, easier to sterilize and maintain."

In Dune , Mario Lady Jessica's concubine has this first impression from the Great Hall:

Jessica stood in the middle of the hall [...] looking up and around the shadow carvings, crevices, and deeply hidden windows. The giant anachronism of a room reminded him of Sisters' Hall at his Bene Gesserit school. But in school, the effect is warmth. Here, all the stones are grim. Some architects have reached far back into history for the wall sustained and this dark ornament, he thought. The curved ceiling stood two floors above it with large bars that he was sure had been sent here to Arrakis across the sky at a very expensive cost. There is no planet in this system that grows trees to make the blocks - unless the blocks are artificial wood. He thinks not.

Arrakeen will go through various transformations from time to time; first became the capital of the Empire with a surprising proportion under Paul Muad'Dib. It later turned into a festival town known as Onn , explicitly for the worship of Tyrant Leto II. Finally, in the centuries after his death, he was known as Keen , a modern (though still impressive) city to accommodate the Rakish Priesthood.

Sietch Tabr

At Dune , Sietch Tabr is the main Freman strategy originally led by Naib Stilgar. Paul Atreides and his mother, Lady Jessica, fled safely from Harkonnen's attack, came to Sietch Tabr and were finally accepted into society. In this Freman Paul finds an unparalleled combat power that has been dissatisfied by the Imperial government. He formed them into a resistance movement that ultimately controlled Arrakis, allowing Paul to overthrow the Emperor. Paul moved his base of operations to Arrakeen, but Sietch Tabr remained the cultural and political center of Fremen, as well as an important religious site for those who worship Paul as a messiah. All Fremen make but one abandoned after terraforming Arrakis, their exact location remains a mystery for thousands of years.


During the reign of Muad'Dib until his son's rise Leto II, the Atreides base was a gigantic monster in Arrakeen, designed to intimidate, known as Keep . In the Dune Messiah , the castle is described as large enough to include an entire city.

Grand Palace of Arrakeen

In his 1985 work "The Road to Dune", Frank Herbert describes the Grand Palace of Arrakeen (and other sites) during Paul Atreides's reign:

Your Arrakis tour should include this approach across the dunes to the Grand Palace in Arrakeen. From a distance, the dimension of this construction is deceiving [...] The greatest man-made structure ever constructed, the Grand Palace can encompass more than ten of the most populous urban cities under one roof, a fact that becomes more apparent when you learn Atreides' their families, placed extensively in the Annex Palace, number around thirty-five million souls [...] As you enter the Grand Court Acceptance Hall at Arrakeen, be prepared to feel dwarfed before an unlikeliest flick. before being conceived. Statue of St. Alia Atreides, shown as "The Soother of Pains," stands twenty-two feet tall but is one of the tiniest decorations in the hall. Two hundred such statues can be stacked one on top of the other against the entrance pillars and still far from the arches of the gate gate, which is nearly a thousand feet below the first beam that towers to the lower roof.

Alia Temple

Alia's Fane (or Alia's Temple ) is a two-mile wide Paul-Muad'Dib built for his sister Alia between Dune Messiah . Herbert described it at The Road to Dune :

If you are numbered among "sincere pilgrims," ​​you will cross the last thousand yards of this approach to the Alia Temple on your knee. The thousand meters fall deep within the sweeping arch that directs your eyes to the transcendent symbols that dedicate this Temple to St. Alia from Knives. The famous "Sun-Sweep Window" incorporates every solar calendar known as human history in a brightly translucent optical display, propelled by the Dune sun, penetrating the interior of the prismatic pathway.

Fortress Leto II

The Tyrant Leto II ruled the universe of Citadel , a fort built in the Last Desert of Sareer . Sareer flanked by Forbidden Forest , home of D-wolf malignant, Sareer guard. Outside it lies the River Idaho , where the bridge that leads to the festival city Onn (once Arrakeen). Mount Idaho has been completely destroyed to provide raw materials to build a high wall surrounding Sareer. The fort itself was taken separately in the Famine Times after the death of Leto II sought alleged hoarding of spices.

Other locations

All the Imperial cities of Arrakis are at the northern-long latitudes of the planet and are protected from the hard weather of Arrakis by a natural formation known as the Wall of the Shield . When Harkonnens controlled the planet, they ruled from Harkonnen's "megalopolis" built from Carthag , described by Jessica as "a cheap and rough place about two hundred kilometers northeast across Broken Land." Arrakeen is only a titular capital until the arrival of Atreides.

There are other cities scattered in the northern regions of the planet (especially near the ice caps, where the water is harvested), as well as the Fremen schemer community scattered throughout the desert.

Other well-known sites in Arrakis throughout its history include the Observatory Mountain, Mount Idaho, Dar-es-Balat and the Kynes Sea.

Arrakis by Upputter on DeviantArt


The Paul of Dune (2008) novel by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson determined that the first known Arrakis population was Muadru, who introduced the sand worms to the planet. They have settlements all over the galaxy that suddenly disappear; Zensunni Wanderers came later, eventually becoming the Freman people. In the novel, Paul noted, "There seems to be a linguistic relationship between the Freman and Muadru people."

Arrakis (Dune) | Slipstream

Names of names

  • On April 5, 2010, the real-world (ordinary) planet planets on Saturn Titan's moon were named Arrakis Planitia after Herbert's fictional planet.
  • Arrakis is also an alternative name for the star of Mu Draconis.

Arrakis by hoevelkamp on DeviantArt


Source of the article : Wikipedia
